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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Sometimes with the crowns of the Edward pennies it’s often easier to look at what’s not there, namely the shapes of the spaces inbetween the fleurs. In this example, looking at the space enclosed by the upper section of the 7 makes it much easier to see. Nice coin!
  2. Coinery

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Is that the Midland?
  3. Coinery

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    You’re US based aren’t you? Yes, it must be difficult to steal a bargain from overseas. I get the impression, though, that all the best pieces are slowly but surely being hoovered up by the American market…it will soon be too expensive for us all I fear.
  4. Coinery

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Couldn’t even watch. Too far off the numbers for me, no point in unnecessarily bleeding out the soul…I’d rather sneak something from the lowland markets whilst the Royal Court are distracted by the king
  5. Anyone know what happened to the realised price for lot 1652 in the recent London Coins sale?
  6. Thank you and, agreed, their archive is excellent, but the search facility on their live auction catalogue, and just about everything else, is a real ball ache imho…maybe iOS is the issue? Couldn’t possibly be me
  7. No, it’s just that I happened to buy one last month in a significantly better grade, so was really interested to see what this one came in at, given the LCA description of it. Thank you, though…is that what normally happens at LCA, they don’t simply mark it as passed or unsold? I find their website such a pain to navigate that I barely even bother to look at their lots nowadays…they need to get up to speed, and fast, it’s getting to be so much easier on all the other platforms.
  8. Coinery

    1797 Copper Twopence at auction

    Two big fat Rs for Restrike…or is that Replica? Terrible show!
  9. I’ve been through the BNJ list and can’t seem to fully ID this ticket? I think the stand-out details are capitals throughout, and the loop of the R generally reaching the bottom of the upright and then heading off horizontally? Any ideas what the reverse info pertains to? Not your hand in nib, rather than biro, is it @Rob?
  10. Anyone else having issues with the forum uploading?
  11. Coinery

    Error Code?

    All appears to be well on iOS - hope you get it sorted, so frustrating!
  12. The mint mark looks to be a P in brackets (P) which makes it a Tower Mint shilling under Parliament, dated1643-44
  13. Coinery

    Searching eBay by categories within the app?

    Perfect, that worked a treat…PLUS I’ve now managed to save that specific search for future access, a great workaround, thank you! 🙏
  14. Does anyone know if it’s possible to search an entire category (using iOS in my case) without using a search word? Effectively, can I search, say, the entire hammered section on eBay without entering anything into the search box? Hope that makes sense?
  15. Coinery

    Searching eBay by categories within the app?

    Many thanks for that, will give it a go
  16. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Who on earth gets these things encapsulated? I was looking over 10 or more NGC Edward I pennies the other day, not one of them was worth more than £15 in the raw state. 🤷‍♂️
  17. Coinery

    Holed but very rare silling

    This post has unfolded quite unexpectedly, really nice when that happens. I’m definitely 1 & 2…primarily 1 & 2…but knowledge and the vanity that accompanies it, sometimes gets me a little excited by 3, in the hope I may one day achieve 5, as I endlessly haemorrhage in pursuit of this staggering beautiful and fascinating pastime!
  18. Coinery

    Holed but very rare silling

    Ahh, now collecting and ‘connecting’ with a holed piece is altogether a different animal…I’ve worn an Elizabeth sixpence on a leather necklace for over 30 years now, and will likely die with one, given my lifestyle. I’ve never purposely drilled one, but have lost two now, that I hope will one day hang with historic pride around someone else’s neck! Who knows, it could easily be another 500 years before my last necklace gets found…amazing…and I hope so 🙏
  19. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think it might be a new eBay thing? I had a coin in my eBay watch list and knew the seller’s business details (he would pay fees on eBay). I eventually decided I wanted it and offered a lesser amount for an off-eBay deal. He ended the item on eBay, which then sat in my ‘ended items’ for a while before disappearing without trace, like it was never listed on eBay…I’ve never seen that before?
  20. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I was just SO tempted to drop a one-liner here, it’s begging for the obvious, but I thought better of it!
  21. Coinery

    Penny Henry III

    This is the same question you asked here I think? https://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/14799-penny-henry-iii/
  22. Coinery

    Holed but very rare silling

    Yes I agree with the above, very difficult to price a holed coin, near impossible I’d say? Speaking for myself, I don’t think I’d even gap-fill with a holed coin…I don’t think? Instead I’ve simply come to accept the fact I’m never going to complete ANY series. Sad but true!
  23. Coinery

    Penny Henry III.

    Could also be worth a look here too! https://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/14620-resource-henry-iii-pennies-by-rob-page/
  24. Coinery

    Penny Henry III.

    I of course totally misread the question
  25. Coinery

    Penny Henry III.

    Hi Rene…take a look on here, it’s a great resource. Equally, LVND and LVNDE is used frequently and interchangeably across many coins. https://www.rodblunt.com/short-cross-pennies