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Everything posted by SionGilbey

  1. A picture speaks a thousand words A high resolution scan could also be useful if you have a flatbed. (You can play with the settings to get a higher dpi for a zoomable picture)
  2. SionGilbey

    CGS grading service

    It does look rather more colourful than it should, a bit like an oil puddle on a wet day. I presume this is down to the scanner as these things often are with some MS coins.
  3. SionGilbey

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Queen-Victoria-SIXPENCE-1887-Reproductive-Coin-/280499170111?pt=UK_Coins_Ancient_RL&hash=item414f0dab3f Ve4ry reproductive
  4. SionGilbey

    1911 Pennies

    I've just found my Camera Microscope... if a digital microscope image would be useful for anything let me know.
  5. SionGilbey

    CGS grading service

    Half the hobby is being able to have a piece of history in your hand.
  6. Can't find anything about this 23mm coin. I think it's a gambling token from Victoria's coronation but I thought it might be worth sticking here (40p in local Antiques shop) Sion
  7. SionGilbey

    1874 Halfpenny 10+J

    I have a 12MP which is great for detail however it's not DSLR... However I have just realised I've got a Sony a DSLR downstairs for photographs... may just use that in future!
  8. I mean honestly, what a load of twonk. Poetic licence with Wills (Rocker!)hair and kate looks a bit squinty eyed and puggish Will is identifiable on the coin, but Kate... is that even Kate?
  9. The date on most are "squiffy". The squiffiness seems normal enough.
  10. SionGilbey

    Newbie Introduction

    I agree about eBay. You have a lot of duplicates for some years and Victorian Pennies are selling quite well at the moment.
  11. I don't have a copy of Peck but the National Library up the road does... because it has a copy of everything ever published in Britain.
  12. SionGilbey

    557 American coins for sale.

    Adds up to 26 pounds with the latest conversion Dollar to Pound!
  13. Seen this listing when it first came out - decided on fake pretty much instantly. Seems an alright fake... is it a modified date? Or a tidy fake?
  14. When was the last decent design on a crown-sized coin? I'm struggling to think of any post-1977. The only one I actually like is the 2008, Elizabeth I commemorative crown. The proof is particularly nice in my humble opinion. Agree pretty much about all the rest. That's the one with Elizabeth the first with 4 arches? Yes, that's right. The uncirculated coin is quite nice, but the frosted proof is a lovely design. Compared to all the other tatt that has been produced over the years, it stands out. Some of the modern stuff is dire. For instance the 2003 Coronation Jubilee coin, which I think is awful. Compare some of William Wyon's designs to William and Kate's monstrosity... even though technology has advanced so much, there's a world of difference between the two.
  15. When was the last decent design on a crown-sized coin? I'm struggling to think of any post-1977. The only one I actually like is the 2008, Elizabeth I commemorative crown. The proof is particularly nice in my humble opinion. Agree pretty much about all the rest. That's the one with Elizabeth the first with 4 arches?
  16. When was the last decent design on a crown-sized coin? I'm struggling to think of any post-1977. Definitely went to crud post-1977.
  17. SionGilbey

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Old news! New seller though. Would be a "nice one, Tony", if some poor sap with more money than sense, fell for it. Or as John said "Not a very NICE1TONY!!"
  18. Have you seen their commemorative £5 yet? I think they might have photographed the wrong Will and Kate... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. SionGilbey

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Old news!
  20. The old bugger was in Wales on Tuesday! I wonder how many eggs he received?
  21. SionGilbey

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Sorry but I just had to cut and paste..... I am able to obtain such rare coins because I work in public transport This coin is extremely rare indeed, only one of two in my collection of over 400 £2 coins Well at last we know how to grade rarity on a scale of every public transport worker has 1, 2, 3 etc etc It's called the Bus Driver dip sample. You pocket a handful of £2 (look around for Arriva officials while you do this!) Pick out the pretty looking ones and spend the rest in Spar on the Sun and a pack of fags. Commence dip sample.
  22. SionGilbey

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vary-Rare-2-pound-coin-London-Olympic-2008-capsuel-/140518974385?pt=UK_Coins_BritishDecimal_RL&hash=item20b79563b1 Vary rare coin!
  23. SionGilbey

    1827 Penny

    The seller has another couple in similar condition!
  24. SionGilbey

    1876 penny

    Could we have a picture or a scan please? If it is a no-H that means it's close to undocumented.
  25. SionGilbey

    1919KN Penny

    Speaking of amusing communication mistakes due to bad tech... check this out! http://translationparty.com/ It uses Google Translate to translate it back and forth from whatever language until it's completely useless.