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Everything posted by azda

  1. Thats a bit of a disaster
  2. Yes I thought someone like Rob would be interested in them. Off to PM you now, was busy yesterday, on holiday and painting because I have nothing better to do on my holidays 😩
  3. Yes definitely, but how long does the chip problem last, I'm ok with the prices going up right now, there is a German website called dat.de where you can add your car details and get a price that dealers would pay for your car and then add up to 30% for any extras, so I've been keeping my eye on that.
  4. Sounds good Paddy. You can send to a UK address for me instead of Germany unless sending to Germany doesn't cost the earth to post these days. You can let me know. I don'T think you'd ever get lumbered with these, but its always good to know exactly which catalogues the guy has.
  5. Hmmmm for some reason the attachment isn't uploading 😒
  6. I'd take them but not sure of a price either. 😌
  7. azda


    I think newbies are relying on people on YouTube who are more interested in self gain other that what they pretend to be, I continually chase one such r sole around internet land
  8. Anglo-Saxon coin found in Wiltshire could sell for £200k https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-58028670
  9. azda

    Historic find

    Also a dream find for the detectorist and for the history of the period
  10. NGC have an office in Munich, I can take the Ubahn and drop them off if I have something to send, they do the rest of the work. they did do on-site grading here 4 times a year but stopped until the pandemic eases. They generally ship now every Monday and it will take around 7 weeks for them to come back. I did use PCGS and shipped those to Paris at the time they also did on-site, now both have stopped for the time being, but its obviously easier for me to use NGC if I was to slab something
  11. Unless LCGS are still going then there isnt any UK based slabbing companies, you’d have to send to PCGS or NGC, both are fairly cheap to join at $25
  12. azda


    The FB bots have serious alithogram problems and are far from perfect. I was talking to my daughter on a post she had made, I called her “my wee sausage” and up popped a box saying “do you really want to post this”
  13. Thats the difference between a collector and investor, where the investor is always looking for the return, the collector says it doesn't matter 😉
  14. Personally I think there are a certain number of people cashing in on grading hype because they are authorized agents of NGC or PCGS and have a vested interest in getting people sucked into the slabbing.
  15. azda

    1953 VIP Proof set

    At a guess, the penny has been swapped out from the original set
  16. I hear some rumblings now and again, what's the story, does anyone in Govt have any clue what's happening or is everyone making it up as we go?
  17. Just curious as too how much extra people would be prepared to pay over and above for a coin with a pedigree?
  18. Kaiser Wilhelm died in 1888, there was a coin/medal produced shortly after with a milled edge, at a guess this is what it’s trying to impersonate, but the date of death would also be on it. My book lists a Hess-Divo auction 27-10-2005 lot 416 if you want to check it out.
  19. https://www.ngccoin.uk/news/article/8133/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRCbE5tRTFNV0k1WldabCIsInQiOiJWZzBJXC9tVFE0NjBHVGoxOG5KenB2R0xvblNhUnpcL3I1TTRDWFJ0aFZTdlE4Z2VYMnk1K0wzbFo1S1wvaU9YbEw4RXJvUFlkMmtyc1FGa0lmdWtrdnJSaFd4aDFoRUtNXC9JbnJMTWk4WjRqcjBYK2YzK2JpbkpQMENmcHVaM1h5cjYifQ%3D%3D#utm_source=The Mx Group&utm_medium=Email Blast&utm_campaign=20-NGUK-0032 NGC Certifies Unique British Penny eBlast
  20. azda

    Munich coin show

    So the show was all set to go ahead, got a couple emails from dealers such as Künker and NGC the night before saying due to the Corona virus they weren't going to attend, then i text @NRP to see what he was doing, mentioned Künker and NGC to him and as far as he was aware (at that time) it was still ongoing, 11:30pm last night Neil was informed it was cancelled. This should have really been done last week to save all these people the expense, so now I'll head out and grab a few beers with Neil, its the least I can do 😁
  21. As we're adding pictures mostly of coins, i thought i'd open one just about scenery, where you live or of whatever. I took this one on my visit home a few weeks back, the River Tay in Dundee with the rail bridge
  22. azda


    As this is in PICTURES section it’s a PICTURE, just like the rest that have been uploaded, maybe you do need to head to specsavers to see all those other “what type of coin” pictures that have been uploaded in this part of the forum.
  23. azda


    That’s called stacking where you take multiples of the same picture at the same settings then stack them in Lightroom or starry landscape stacked and theoretically it brings out better detail. Images should be taken in RAW format. I took my picture with the Sony DSC RX10 M3, it’s has a 600mm zoom lens.
  24. azda

    Munich coin show

    Ahhhh unfortunately he was trying to recoup some of the costs and was trying to get some deals done with a few dealers, so he eventually didn’t have the time, there’s always next year though.