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Everything posted by azda

  1. azda

    PCGS losing credibility

    The next coin came from the recent BSJ sale and yet again another PCGS coin and again a coin with a large price tag attached and again hairlines that should have merited a details grade the REV for me having excessive hairlines, whether mint wiped or from elsewhere, these coins shouldn't have been give a numerical grades on the grounds of excessive hairlines, but as you can read from my first post, it's not really about the coin anymore, it's obviously about the money and greed that exists within the hobby by some.
  2. azda

    PCGS losing credibility

    This is the actual picture uploaded by the dealer, the hairlines should have given this coin a details grade "excessive hairlines" there was a little chit chat to and fro, one dealer telling him to submit again for conservation as the 2nd dealer did with a 1911 £5 and got a higher grade and sold for an extra £5k, my comment was the first on the UNA and I said I was surprised it didn't actually get a details grade due to the excessive hairlines, another guy said the same, others were in the numerical camp.
  3. If it was £1100 I think I would have bidded, it was £110,000 with commission £133,000
  4. Don't worry, these guys here will keep you busy for a while, they did the same with Neil Paisley 😂
  5. Why did you tell the boss in the first place? Lol...........
  6. Welcome to the forum Adam, you're in good company as this forum is full of penny collectors, I'm sure you'll pick up more knowledge here from these guys
  7. LCA is outdated and living in the past, i’ve Not bidded with them for years due to the fact they can’t move into the 21st century with their auctions, it surprises me people consign with them because they could possibly get better prices for their coins from auctions that have an online bid facility.
  8. Not sure about that 1854 Shilling being MS64 (lot 39) to the left an MS62 graded by NGC and to the right the Waterbird coin
  9. azda


    NGC states that they don’t alter any surfaces during their conversation process, I often wonder what they do though, if joe bloggs dips a coin it’s cleaned, if NGC does the same it’s called conservation 🤷‍♀️
  10. I agree, that's where the haggling comes in 😉
  11. One for the penny boys, on Ebay 1902 low and high tide in one sale, both graded as NGC MS65, you can haggle on the price ebay number 233262303269
  12. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    🤐 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EXTREMELY-RARE-1971-Original-Old-Coin-New-Pence-2p-Coin-Fleur-de-Iris/362689455958?hash=item5471f9e756:g:ll0AAOSw2jFceerJ
  13. Is someone smoking the crack pipe over there? https://www.ngccoin.com/price-guide/world/great-britain-1-2-penny-km-601-1770-1775-cuid-1149428-duid-1325718 I see Baldwins has 2 1772s for £495 and £395 https://www.baldwin.co.uk/product/george-iii-halfpenny-1772/ https://www.baldwin.co.uk/product/george-iii-halfpenny-1772-2/
  14. 24% does make me think twice on what I'll bid on, I wonder if buyers will be less inclined to bid up coins to higher end estimates, although I still think this increase has something to do with weaker sterling, Londoncoins next?
  15. They don't accept consignments under $5k
  16. Those sellers also buy at the same auction houses as we do 😉
  17. Baldwins is zero seller fees over £1000 hammer
  18. That is Baldwins, I wonder if its anything to do with the weakening sterling
  19. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    So he’s admitted shill bidding because it was a low price, but there are such things as a reserve for these kind of things 😏
  20. That is what i’m referring to, this is the obvious reason they bought into sovereign rarities. Strangling the collector for even more money. SR are also expensive
  21. azda

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Its a possibility Pete, but he's selling off more of the modern stuff (yet still shills it on his channel) and is heading towards older numismatics. He is selling the Gothic etc for his sidekick Marc, Marc in my mind is the shiller and those were his coins apart from the Gold Hawking 50p which was also resisted, so that means there'another shiller involved as that was a different winning bidder, but all in all Numistacker knows who they were and their intentions. Slabs do have their advantages 😉
  22. They have teamed up with sovereign rarities, somehow something doesn’t feel right about the RM becoming a mint and coin dealer at the same time, this cuts out the middleman.
  23. They are doing the draw tonight live on YT for the 1819 Sovereign. Link here