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Everything posted by HistoricCoinage

  1. HistoricCoinage

    Edward Silver Penny

    Welcome, Dave! Long time, no see.
  2. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Convenient 'weak spot' where I expect WRL was on the reverse... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HENRY-8TH-VIII-STUNNING-PORTRAIT-POSTHUMOUS-SILVER-HAMMERED-GROAT-COIN-RARE-/272889438975?hash=item3f897a62ff:g:g4EAAOSwEthZ5G8y
  3. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Amazed he dug these up... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Colection-of-Brazilian-stamps-metal-Detecting-find-/292281968711?hash=item440d5ce847:g:9~wAAOSwY99ZjfiK
  4. HistoricCoinage

    Help identifying silver hammered coin

    Thanks for the video, Declan. Much clearer and definitely not an Edward III. Looks to be a class 10cf penny of Edward I or II. There is some overlap of the reigns here.
  5. HistoricCoinage

    Help identifying silver hammered coin

    Difficult to nail down specifically from the images, but looks to be an Edward III Halfpenny. Do you have any sharper images?
  6. HistoricCoinage

    Edwardian pennies

    I'd strongly recommend the Galata guide for IDing classes. It's a large A4-sized book and really helpful with line drawings. https://www.galata.co.uk/store.asp?storeAction=showDetail&stockID=19
  7. HistoricCoinage

    Monday morning teaser

    Henry I. Nice ones, especially the lozenge type!
  8. HistoricCoinage

    Short croos

    Hard to tell from images, but looks like an Edward IV penny. Are you able to upload better quality photos?
  9. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No. But this has the soapy appearance and what looks to be three letters at the same location as these usual suspects:
  10. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Pointed out the WRL stamped into this coin and hinted it might be a modern replica... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cromwellian-Coin-/122499880839?hash=item1c858fd787:g:nXgAAOSwSypZAG~N Got called 'sunshine' and then told 'Carnt see this being a copy it was passed down from my grandad to my mother and now my mother has passed away I am selling her collection"
  11. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And more... Looks like same seller, different account. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ANGLO-SAXON-Kings-of-Wessex-AELFRED-the-GREAT-RARE-EXA-Penny-/391764960901?hash=item5b3702e685:g:F5gAAOSwkShY~u31
  12. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Plenty of fakes being sold (looks like it might be unknowingly) here. Over the past few years someone called Michael Millard-Hibbs has been setting up multiple eBay accounts and websites and flogging Saxon fakes. Whether this is someone who feel for it, I cannot tell...
  13. HistoricCoinage

    unknown hammered coin

    Aethelred II Longcross penny. Moneyer: Dunstan. Mint: Exeter. Not the most common of mints.
  14. HistoricCoinage

    unknown coin

    It looks to be an issue of Wulfwig at Canterbury. +PVLPIG ON CEN[T]
  15. HistoricCoinage

    Edward half groat I.D help please.

    From what I can see with these photos, yes.
  16. HistoricCoinage

    Edward half groat I.D help please.

    It's definitely Edward III, looks to be a Pre-treaty period issue, potentially type C.
  17. HistoricCoinage

    A Quick Hello

  18. HistoricCoinage

    Charles I Shilling

    Firstly, nice acquisition and great to hear your excitement with hammered alongside milled! The XII here refers to the denomination. So this is a twelvepence, a.k.a. shilling. I don't have my literature to hand so will let others answer the i.m. and bust questions.
  19. HistoricCoinage

    Ex North, Mass, Sazama, H3 Short Cross!

    Can't seem to locate it, Stu. Got a link to hand?
  20. HistoricCoinage

    Class 1 Edward MULES!

    As far as I'm aware, no. Just multiple reverses, which lends credence to the theory it's not a pattern. This is an interesting article by Mayhew on types: http://www.britnumsoc.org/publications/Digital%20BNJ/pdfs/1988_BNJ_58_6.pdf The Galata Guide is an interesting read but a whole new approach does need to be taken, I agree.
  21. HistoricCoinage

    Class 1 Edward MULES!

    Can the same be said for the 1b which seems to have attracted attention of the pattern variety?
  22. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Sword, ok, very funny, ok. "ive an am32 885885. five pound note. its in gd condition ok. its not a jane austen ok. but its the best yr going to get near one ok. that's why im asking £1.680. for it ok. ovno ok. no time waisters ok. gd luck to y all ok. plus I only deal in my bank ok. this note is very close to a jane austen note."
  23. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Great title, great coins... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/cnut-coin-norman-1st-coin-penny-/112323229637?hash=item1a26fc77c5:g:SmkAAOSw2gxYuhN5
  24. HistoricCoinage

    A Viking Rarity

    Scarce and well struck! Is it definitely a cut half, though? Hard to tell from these images. I've been fortunate enough to handle a few of these Raven pennies but have yet to call one my own. Envious.
  25. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    These lovely Anglo-Saxon pennies, found in Andorra... http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Anglo-Saxon-Coins-c-600-1066/58523/m.html?item=222413855830&hash=item33c8e61c56%3Ag%3A-AIAAOSwNnRYhIrk&_ssn=anglo-saxo66