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Zo Arms

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Everything posted by Zo Arms

  1. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Would anyone know the scarcity of the 5 + E 1861 HALP please?
  2. Zo Arms

    Little coins big prices

    I've read the entire forum and no disrespect to anyone, Peter stands out the most. He is the guy that I've laughed most to. And his posts informing us of his wife's death are heart wrenching, to say the least. I never had any contact with the man but have to say, that learning of his death, has saddened me greatly. A screenshot of one of his final posts, shows that he was thinking of the future. But who knows? RIP Peter.
  3. Zo Arms

    Good morning all

    Welcome to the collective. I lurk on the sidelines and ask silly questions occasionally. Bob.
  4. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    I see what you mean, but just a trick of the light I think. Another photo.
  5. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Definitely an E. So the consensus was correct.
  6. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Now that it's arrived, the obverse to my coin above. Hence the question. Hope to find time, in the next few days, to check the reverse.
  7. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    I think it is. 7 berries. And the lighthouse looks to be correct. Spotted it yesterday and watching. Pity about the wreckless abuse but I could live with it as an example, at the right price.
  8. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Evening all. Thinking reverse D on this one please. Opinions either way appreciated.
  9. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Which brings me to this one, also within the forum. What appears to be a 6 over 6. However, I think that I can see evidence of an underlying 2, the diagonal of the 2, again in the circle of the 6. This may tie in Rob's example. Although this may just be wishful thinking.
  10. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Thanks Jon. That's reassuring to know. I've finally found Rob's post that I was looking for, which shows an example. I can't make out the 2 under the 6. More a 6 over 6. But I think that I can see the pointy end of the 6, above the centre line of the 2.
  11. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Not yet. Probably be a week or so before I receive it. A cropped sellers photo. Full images to follow, if that helps. Bob.
  12. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Whilst we're here, does anyone have an F289, 62 over 26. Mentioned in the 2016 Freeman and recognised by Dracott in his 2021 update. I think I've found an example and a little piccy to show what I think I see.
  13. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Page 11. Feb 1st onwards.
  14. Purely out of interest, I've just timed my edit button. I was allowed 30 mins.
  15. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Satisfying to see another 4+B HAIF. Mine is shown on this thread, back in Jan this year. Dracott only lists the 2+B. A decent collection of over strikes there Larry. Thank you for showing them.
  16. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Nice one Gary. I knew you'd have one. 🙂Did it take long to find? I've been searching 6 years plus. 475's I've found 6. 473's. I've found 3. R3 and R5.
  17. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Thanks. Maybe he is about right then. I only ask as I've just found another one. Awaiting delivery. Graded EF. Was thinking that if I'm fortunate to have 2 then maybe they were not so rare after all. It's the 1956 4 + C that's eluding me. Not hide not hair anywhere.
  18. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny ID check

    Evening all. Mr Freeman gave the above coin, F272, 4 + F a rarity rating of R17. 51-100. Dracott gives it a 6 rating, which means extremely rare. 5 known to him at the time of his article. Given that Freeman admits that his scale is an educated guess. And that some years have passed since Dracott wrote his findings, does anyone have a rough idea of the quantity of F272's known please? London coins have only sold 2, that I can see..
  19. A similar problem was discussed back in 2011, in a thread titled " 1827 penny". Towards the end of the second page, a member called ' Mat ' explains contract law, in some depth. May be helpful.