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Everything posted by Diaconis

  1. Diaconis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I emailed them to say it was worth about a fiver and they asked if that was an offer😂
  2. Diaconis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Chancer Alert! Obvious fake in “Amazing condition” https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RARE-1658-OLIVER-CROMWELL-CROWN-5-Coin/164766759303?hash=item265cdd3987:g:zB8AAOSwC3VgU7h1
  3. Diaconis

    1825 George IV halfcrown

    The foot serifs on obverse lettering seem wrong. Flatter on the genuine article.
  4. Could be an ‘evasion’ type copper similar to: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1793-evasion-farthing-token-coin-246529646 not sure who is represented by the effigy
  5. Though very impractical and outrageously expensive, this could be converted in to a beauty. https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/cheffinsfineart/catalogue-id-srche10222/lot-0b8c9de9-f6ef-4758-90b6-acf500aa8808?utm_source=sr-amp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cheffinsfineart&utm_term=20210412-srx-j&utm_content=srche10222-ctalot8
  6. Diaconis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Youre too quick😂
  7. Diaconis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    "Erm, what what? " Easy on the Slimline salad dressing please?
  8. Diaconis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is similar in size to a 1p which weighs 3.36grammes yet it only weighs in at 2.36 grammes🤔 It should weigh over 9grammes
  9. numistacker = uk miscreant 😬
  10. Interesting chat about slabbing
  11. His ebay, paypal experience sounds familiar. Terrible customer service.
  12. Ben Doon and Phil McKavitee always works a treat
  13. Diaconis

    Possible Fake 1905 Halfcrown

  14. Diaconis

    Possible Fake 1905 Halfcrown

    The ear is a giveaway
  15. Mike, A bursting bladder can turn Jekyll in to Hyde
  16. Diaconis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Item description re toning; ..."I'm assuming this is the result of the coin living inside a chair cushion for the last 150 years or similar?.”😂
  17. I quite agree Santa. It does look like apathy doesn't it but, in their defence, I can also imagine that it's not easy trying to catalogue a collection when you're bladdered on Moet Chandon every night. by the way, did you ever get your bathroom done?
  18. Diaconis

    1953 VIP Proof set

    Did anyone else spot the great rarity amongst that little lot? Yes, a 1953 farthing with major error on reverse, a ‘wobin’ instead of a wren. Awful watching.