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Everything posted by hibernianscribe

  1. hibernianscribe

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    Hi Kal, Yes, this one and another Newark half crown I have unfortunately do not have any of these plate markings, but here's wishing I can get one eventually, so I'm on the lookout for a decent example. In my view these variations further add to the historical value of these pieces. Frank
  2. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I would think it incumbent on the rightful seller to 'kick-up' with eBay about this. Frank
  3. Does anyone know of a decent modern reference (hard-copy or online) that deals with Civil War siege-pieces? North goes into not much more detail than Spink, if any - in fact Spink is better for many of them, such as the Newark varieties, in that there are more pictures. The most detailed reference I have found so far is Philip Nelson's "The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion" that gets quite specific to types and gives weights, but this dates to 1907 so any later-discovered variations would not be listed and the picture-quality is not that good.
  4. hibernianscribe

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    Yes, absolutely, and this piece was gilded before the plate was cut as the edges do show - there is no doubt about this. However, I am excited about the gilt since I am surmising whether this was a piece from the "two guilt wine bowles" that are documented as being part of the "Plate delivered to Mr Edward Standishe, Alderman, by consent to be sold for the townes use and to supply their p'sent want of money...." (quoted from the minutes of a meeting of the (Newark) Corporation held on May 15, 1646 and detailed in, "The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion", 1907, Philip Nelson, M.D.) Obviously it is very possible that other gilt plates might have been used as well but this reference is specific right down to the fact that two gold-plated wine bowls were cut up to literally, make money. This is why I find this series so interesting - there is a tangible link with particular people caught up in a bloody struggle. Frank
  5. hibernianscribe

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    This beauty is my latest and best. It has gilding on it, so likely one of the batch that was minted from gilded silver that has been well documented. Getting this has well-and-truly cleaned-out my coin fund for the time being, but I think it was worth it - as long as the wife doesn't find out! Frank
  6. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It's because eBay have created a fantasy that has slowly turned to reality that because they reach to all corners of the world there will always be be some idiot, somewhere, who'll pay good money for rubbish. Unfortunately, in this they have been quite successful! Frank
  7. hibernianscribe

    Charles I Siege Pieces - Decent Reference?

    Rob, Thanks for your comprehensive answer. Frank
  8. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Once a wide boy, always a wide boy in my view! Frank
  9. hibernianscribe

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    Sorry about that - finger trouble! - somehow I managed to lose the image of the obverse - I'll try again... Frank
  10. hibernianscribe

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    I posted both obv and rev - is the obverse not displaying in my posting? In my view the obverse is fantastic - it should be showing as my avatar. Frank
  11. hibernianscribe

    my pal Henry III

    At least you've found a hammy, which is good-going - I've not dug one up for over a year now! Frank
  12. hibernianscribe

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    I've recently acquired this lovely P&M shilling that I'm now using as my avatar:
  13. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Her arguments were certainly convoluted in her email to me - I just think she was trying desperately to convince herself the coin is genuine - then the penny (Lizzy sixpence) dropped! (excuse the pun). Frank
  14. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I sent her (Trish) a message and today have received a repentant reply basically saying she genuinely thought it was genuine and the heart-shape was a rare mintmark! She then said that she thought the first message she received about it was an attempt by a conman to get the coin for pennies when she thought it was worth pounds. Anyway subsequent to that she received 4 more messages including my own and this has convinced her to insert 'copy' in the description and to down the price. I believe her - inexperience I think, and she was probably duped when she bought it! Frank
  15. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

  16. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've just received an email from Red Dragon Auctions (a Robert Lock) thanking me for my advice and also saying he'd been sent a link showing an identical coin on eBay and that has convinced him it is "too much of a coincidence". Therefore, "to retain Red Dragon's good name and also protect any possible purchaser" the lot will now be removed. Success! Red Dragon Auctions has now gone up in my estimation. Frank
  17. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I would also say that regarding auctioneers, membership of a reputable antique/numismatic trade organisation should go some way to allay fears about reliability. Frank
  18. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I agree, your average provincial auctioneer being relatively small compared to the 'big boys' will never have the expertise to know about everything he sells (speaking of antiques, generally). However, your provincial auctioneer, especially if well-established, also has his reputation to maintain and if he is reputable and ethical he will know where to find the answers and his descriptions should reflect his certainty or otherwise. Frank
  19. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think we would all agree that the main problem is some "online" auctioneers, where ethics seem to have been ditched in favour of unscrupulous profit. Apart from eBay (that we all know the pitfalls of) there is certainly Catawiki with which to be very wary (see my posts last Dec/Jan) and now this band of Welsh cowboys are showing their colours - note: I've nothing against the Welsh and fully accept there are equal proportions of English, Scottish and Irish cowboys as well! They again demonstrate that online auctions must be treated with caution. Regarding zookeeperz comments on all auctioneers - a little harsh in my own opinion, but I certainly understand if he has had bad experiences. As for my local traditional auctioneers in Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire and Bristol, all of my experiences have been positive. Frank
  20. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I too have done this, I've pointed out to them that since they have applied a reserve on this outstandingly obvious fake and regardless of their non-committal description, they are blatantly unethical and intentionally trying to deceive! Frank
  21. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    What a sob-story! Looks as though this guy used to send scamming emails from Nigeria!
  22. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This seller's feedback alone says "beware"!
  23. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I notice he gives 'cash on collection' option. Let's hope someone opts for this and gives him a bloody nose when they realise he's a scammer!
  24. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Doesn't look right to me.
  25. hibernianscribe

    Ebay's Worst Offerings
