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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Yes, absolutely, and this piece was gilded before the plate was cut as the edges do show - there is no doubt about this. However, I am excited about the gilt since I am surmising whether this was a piece from the "two guilt wine bowles" that are documented as being part of the "Plate delivered to Mr Edward Standishe, Alderman, by consent to be sold for the townes use and to supply their p'sent want of money...." (quoted from the minutes of a meeting of the (Newark) Corporation held on May 15, 1646 and detailed in, "The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion", 1907, Philip Nelson, M.D.) Obviously it is very possible that other gilt plates might have been used as well but this reference is specific right down to the fact that two gold-plated wine bowls were cut up to literally, make money. This is why I find this series so interesting - there is a tangible link with particular people caught up in a bloody struggle. Frank
  4. 2 points
    This beauty is my latest and best. It has gilding on it, so likely one of the batch that was minted from gilded silver that has been well documented. Getting this has well-and-truly cleaned-out my coin fund for the time being, but I think it was worth it - as long as the wife doesn't find out! Frank
  5. 2 points
    You're absolutely right - surprised no-one spotted it before now - hopefully correct now.
  6. 2 points
    Both Canterbury Long cross pennies. Ones by Robert the others Nichole. Both are later ones with sceptre. Try here for more information. They have a rough price list on there. http://www.henry3.com
  7. 2 points
    oooooo looks like I stuck lucky with the hammered gurus. What are these and are they worth much. I am sadly lacking in 99% of knowledge in hammered as shameful as it sounds
  8. 2 points
    Interesting what Jaggy says about Atlas. I used to be impressed with their coins, until I realised where some of their copper coins come from, how they've changed colour, and their mark-ups in some cases being phenomenal. For instance 1849 penny, sold DNW 12/12/17 £1700, stained on one side but reasonable coin. Now just sold by Atlas at nearly $6K and it's changed to a glossy dark blue colour! Obligingly slabbed of course by PGCS as MS63BN. It's still on the website but perhaps not for much longer. Check it out while you can. Amazingly enough it is the same coin. Also, 1825 proof penny, sold Stacks Bowers 13 January $950 Lot 20358 hammer PF63 PGCS, now "blued up" and on at nearly $6K, good old PGCS again upgraded to PF64+. Distinctive die-flaw and spot on obverse, so easy to recognise. 1805 Irish silver halfpenny, untouched thankfully, now $7,500, $1600 hammer Spink Auction 339, Lot 219 14/1/2018 There are other examples on the website currently. I don't know what other people think, but the combination of huge mark-ups in some cases on the back of chemically enhancing the coin's appearance then getting it re-slabbed and upgraded, is sharp practice in my book.
  9. 2 points
    Muggins here is going to pay for their Honeymoons...Great Yarmouth in a B&B is missing from their agenda's ...I did take Mrs Peter to Kenya on honeymoon we had room 69 and the tour operator couldn't understand why on the return from Safari I requested the missionary room...I was tongue tied....Happy memories.
  10. 1 point
    Yep just seen it 👍🏻
  11. 1 point
    Welcome Jamie - I hope your collecting proves successful and rewarding. I am also ex-services and have been collecting for about 16 years (not counting a few years as a child). I could give you advice and ideas for hours so I will try to focus in on a few key points. Firstly I suggest yo put the "investment" side of collecting on the back burner for now. Rarely does this work out well unless you are really expert. I would also be wary of spending too much on the commemorative coins from the Royal Mint. Very few go up in value in the short term, unless they are precious metal and then they move with the metal. In most cases it is a bit like buying a new car - the value drops by a half just driving it home. And avoid the non-Royal Mint "coins" all together - in most cases they are a complete rip-off and the resale value is almost zero. Then I would say you need to set yourself some objectives in good military style. Mainly this is deciding what you want to collect - which countries, which metals, which denominations and which eras. All are possible but will depend on budget. You can specialise in a very small area, or spread out looking for anything and everything. You can take any grade that fills a gap, or only buy the very best and take your time. It all comes down to what floats your boat. Personally I have gone for British - mainly pre-decimal - and aimed at getting one of everything I can in any grade to start with before gradually upgrading as the opportunity arises. This fills my "completer" mind set and keeps the cost reasonably low, whilst giving me plenty of opportunity for little victories. Others go for a very small area of collecting and focus on being expert in their speciality - you will see them discussing the minutest details on individual coins, and that fills their needs. Do get a few books before you spend too much on coins. If you are going for British coins, the Rotographic books advertised here are a great affordable start point. Get a copy of Coin News or search on the web for coin fairs and get along to one to see what is available. It will help you to identify what you enjoy most. Ebay can be good, but bear in mind there are a lot of fakers and charlatans out there, so don't invest a lot until you know how to spot them. ... and keep asking questions.
  12. 1 point
    Collecting commemorative coins should be relatively straight forward. The coins are usually sealed and in mint condition and so you don't have to worry about grading. If the coins are not sealed up, then avoid touching the surfaces with your hand as you will leave finger prints. Ebay should be fine if you do your homework and know what the prices should be. Buying from auctions is another option later on. Remember, the original issue price from the Royal Mint tend to be extremely high compare to what it will sell for later on. Hence, don't overpay. I think most modern commemoratives will not increase significantly (if at all) in value over the years and so I think it is wise to allocate a "hobby budget" rather than an "investment budget" unless you are really sure about resale prices. The values of modern commenoratives are often linked to bullion prices. If you were in the armed forces, then you might one day be interested in getting coins that circulated during the times of major wars / battles. E.g. George V coins minted during WW1, George VI coins during WW2 etc. However, you need to have some understanding of grading when buying currency coins. Buying these coins from trusted dealers is often safer than from ebay until you have some experience. Happy collecting.
  13. 1 point
    sold by dnw and described as "some minor staining on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine with a hint of original colour Sold by Atlas and graded PCGS MS63BN
  14. 1 point
    I thought you had just cracked up and wondered what you were on about. Yes the gouby x was a forum member but he has not read this yet
  15. 1 point
    That's why this is a "Take 2" . I originally thought I saw it, and checked somewhere else and thought I was bonkers, in the end I canned the first thread http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/12448-look-over-there/
  16. 1 point
    It's because eBay have created a fantasy that has slowly turned to reality that because they reach to all corners of the world there will always be be some idiot, somewhere, who'll pay good money for rubbish. Unfortunately, in this they have been quite successful! Frank
  17. 1 point
    In that condition anything over £130 ish in your pocket and you have done well.....IMO More are turning up like most varieties and this just brings the price down. You may be able to ask more to someone who really wants one.....just need to find them and if at auction there are fees One is for sale on ebay that was purchased at LCA in Sept/Dec but been on a few months. Dave craddock sold a couple last year for £100 each (maybe cheap) and although i did not see them or the pictures i would not of thought they were lesser grade. Maybe i am way off as they were selling for £250 ish when i bought mine a couple of years ago although it is better and as i have mentioned more have turned up since then. Terry found a good one recently and they will always command a hefty premium as if its scarce will be even harder to find in a good grade. I was going to say £100 but thought i would make you feel better Good luck.. Pete.
  18. 1 point
    I’m afraid date width variations are not my thing, unless associated with other die changes. They are so variable they rarely merit varietal status. we better get back to Ebays worst offerings! Jerry
  19. 1 point
    Can't quite understand why anyone would bother to try and sell this one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/382428319443?ul_noapp=true
  20. 1 point
    Please could you provide a higher definition image of the 2p, both heads and tails. Also a picture of the front of the pack. Thank you.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    the other phrase was somewhat less gentlemanly
  23. 1 point
    I really like uncorroded flans, and this one ticks that box! These last two farthings balance out my overspend on the last John penny! Harmony has been restored
  24. 1 point
    Sorry about that - finger trouble! - somehow I managed to lose the image of the obverse - I'll try again... Frank
  25. 1 point
    I've recently acquired this lovely P&M shilling that I'm now using as my avatar:
