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Building a high grade collection of Henry III pennies

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As I crawl away into the shadows, I'd just like to remind you that a lot of members have to be content with the 'beat up' end of the market, and can soon pick up long and short cross cheaply. This allows aspirations to be achieved in the urge to follow any line of collecting (and makes identification that more rewarding!!! :rolleyes:

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As I crawl away into the shadows, I'd just like to remind you that a lot of members have to be content with the 'beat up' end of the market, and can soon pick up long and short cross cheaply. This allows aspirations to be achieved in the urge to follow any line of collecting (and makes identification that more rewarding!!! :rolleyes:

Ah see I did wonder if my comments might make me come across as a bit of a dickhead. The 4 figure coins and what not and having sometimes-ridiculous aspirations on grade well I appreciate that it's not for everyone. For me personally though it might be a case of buying only 1 exceptional coin this year rather than 10+ average ones. I'd like to still consider myself a numismatic collector rather than someone who just buys nice coins but I guess that's debatable. That said a single want becomes a want by virtue of a wider numismatic knowledge, I just made the decision to build a small collection rather than a large one. Each to their own and I'm not suggesting that either approach is better than the other!

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Can anyone ID this one, its the only early penny I have, but never got round to its ID

thanks in advance if someone can



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Can anyone ID this one, its the only early penny I have, but never got round to its ID

thanks in advance if someone can

Henry III, Giffrei on London. Class 7b.

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