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1843 silver 2d for circulation

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Here, I’m referring to the silver 2d issued for Colonial (British Guyana and West Indies) use, these being the same as Maundy but to circulation standard.

Some catalogues/listings show 1838, 1843 and 1848. Others just show 1838 and 1848. I have seen figures quoted:-

1838 1,045,000

1843 261,000

1848 903,000

Much watching on eBay, plus enquiries elsewhere, have failed to produce any 1843 dated coins other than ones that are obviously Maundy issues.

Here we have another problem - referring to all silver 1d to 4d as Maundy money by most sources, even for an obviously heavily-circulated coin. Plus the fact that pre-1816, we don’t really know which years the small silver coins were circulated.

Is it possible that these 1843 circulation issues were dated 1838? There appear to be vast numbers of the 1838 compared with the 1848 and the “1843?†might make up some of this difference.

My question is: “Have any of you experts ever found a circulation 1843 2d?â€

To show my interest, here are scans of 1838 and 1848 circulation issues surrounding an 1844 Maundy (which some *@#!* has soldered at some time in the past). My pension doesn’t allow me to collect Maundy coins in quantity or quality, only the odd one or two.


post-4874-030153100 1313333530_thumb.jpe

post-4874-069777200 1313333545_thumb.jpe

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Anyone have any thoughts on this?


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