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Generic Lad

Any idea what this is? Or what its trying to imitate?

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This is a strange one, it tests as sterling silver on an XRF gun, on my cheap Chinese scale rings in at 1.5 grams, is basically perfectly round. I do not think this is authentic, but I don't know what its purpose was, seems far too nice to be a cheap fake and doesn't seem to match anything (that I know of) to try to be a deceptive fake and I can't seem to find anything with a few hours of Googling for it to be some sort of fantasy or commemorative coin/token






Any help in trying to narrow this down would be appreciated!

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some thing like this sold for arounf 400 quid a little while back, looks wrong to me, 


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Repro, surely?



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It purports to be a Carlisle short cross penny, but is obviously a modern copy as the mint signature is CARL which doesn't exist, the valid readings being CAR, CARD, CARDI or CARDV. Alain or Alein strikes in classes 1b, 1c, 3 & 4b at Carlisle, but exactly which class it is trying to be is impossible to say with so much being wrong. A class 1c is attached to give an idea what it is imitating.


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Looks like a repro henry III penny .

Sort of thing that museums sell as a keepsake

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