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Emperor Oli

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Guest Eliza


The United States of America will always look up to the UK and Europe as older relations of the same family. My brothers see me as a romantic, silly, middle-aged fuddy-duddy and they're off having adventures of their own. But they know that if they get in trouble, as much as they don't "need" me, that I would spare no effort in helping them.

New avatar! :)


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The USA is welcome to see us as an older relation, of course that is true, but that has nothing to do with economies. The world and politics is all about economies, maybe that isn't right, but it's true.

What is that new Avatar then?


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Guest Guest

Something like the personal standard of the Grand Duke of Hesse. No doubt one of my distaff relations. I was struck by the Garter device. I'll have to do more research.

Good point about economies. If there's one antidote to romantic nostalgia, it's economics.


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Guest Eliza

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Apparently that flag was was adopted in 1949, I imagine your ancestors had a previous one?



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Guest Eliza

No doubt, Chris! I was trying to find something colourful.

I've found this site to be very educational:


The whole field of civic heraldry I find fascinating. I have two Kreuzers of 1750s Hesse-Darsmtadt and Hesse-Cassell and the lion rampant/all-stripey is very apparent. (I know "all-stripey" is NOT a legitimate heraldic term.)

There are other sites online that cater to Napoleonic wargamers (miniatures and board games) and they offer a lot of heraldic history.


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In your opinion.

You cannot make a statement like that without being properly qualified to make it. You are free however, to voice your opinion, and in your opinion Europe has a strange smell and so does it's single currency!

Yes, it's my opinion; a forum is there to express one's opinions. I am not qualified, well are you? What do you class as qualified? And you know what me and Eliza mean when we say Europe stinks

The world and politics is all about economies, maybe that isn't right

Of course it's right

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Guest Eliza

"... what me and ELIZA mean when we say Europe stinks."

Kind sir, I fear you have COMPLETELY misunderstood my point. In fact, I do NOT join you in condemning Europe. In fact, I am *asserting* the worthiness of Europe and highlighting my own varied and beloved European roots.

DON'T add me to *your* opinion, especially when it's 180' off from my own.


whose knickers are *sorely* in a twist at this point

PS Let me clarify: I think the Euro stinks. I understand the necessity of a unified European economy facing that of the US (primarily), but I think the withdrawal of the "national" currencies is wrong-headed.

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I'm keeping well out of it!


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Yeah, me too from now on. Have no time for this pointless argument about nothing imparticular.

Oli, we'll have to agree to disagree and just try to be friends again, ok?

You are most welcome among us, so please stick around, I am interested to hear your views on coin matters. You certainly know what your talking about with British coins and that is commendable.


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we'll have to agree to disagree and just try to be friends again

Yes, we are too set in our ways!

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