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I've had this coin since the Queens Golden Jubilee and I have no memory of where I received it. After multiple searches i'm still no closer to finding the answer. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

See photos in my Dropbox account as i couldn't upload them. (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1u8oliqairk2gqf/AADH7JRbkO2078ITwifjy24Xa?dl=0)

Thank You

Edited by BrotherRyan

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It looks like a commemorative medal rather than a coin as there is no value on it, which would be unusual for a coin. It could have been made anywhere by anybody, but I would not expect it to be worth much.

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Yes, a commem medal of some sort.  Brass or gilt rather than gold I'd say.  Unfortunately not an area I know anything about I'm afraid:

Anyone else?



Edited by TomGoodheart

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