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Found 6 results

  1. http://gyazo.com/b8dd19c53a9c96222a09177708989e85 http://gyazo.com/e1f9c18aada94e449dae33a2aba957a1 This is the coin. I want to find out the value, because i want to sell it soon. Can anyone tell me the value, and if it has a slender number or a die number or none. Thanks
  2. Hello all, I recently came across a 2014 20p with a lighthouse on it and the text Bailiwick of Jersey. A friend queried if it was a rare one and having looked online I am finding mixed information. There are some on eBay for £100s of pounds. I'm wondering if it is worth hanging on to or selling. Or worth no more than its face value. Thanks for any help in advance. Matt
  3. vickihaines1976

    1918 one penny kn value

    Hi I have got a 1918 one penny kn but have no idea what value it may have or how to find this out - i have seen prices range from 30-2500 - any tips?
  4. Conor44

    Nice Elizabeth I Shilling

    Hi all, Acquired this coin from a local antique dealer who doesn't specialize in coins and only keeps a few, its a beautiful Elizabeth I shilling, I think clipped slightly. Im not an expert on hammereds so I would appreciate if anyone could tell me the type, year, value etc and most importantly if it looks alright (I know there are forgeries about). Any help much appreciated, Conor
  5. hi there please could some one help me? iv got a £1 coin with the word "ONE" missing cant find any info on what sort of price it would fetch if any? manny thanx Pete
  6. Hi guys, I found this half penny when I was a kid and discovered it recently in an old ceramic coin bank. I've done a bit of research, but can't find anything that gives a conclusive valuation of it in it's present condition. From what I can see the die letter A next to the lighthouse (see pics) points to it being fairly rare. If anyone could give me a good idea of it's value, or just point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.