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  1. A little while ago I posted a tip in response to another thread, which proved very useful to some people here and turned out to be something many were not aware of. It occurred to me that there are other useful tips that can make life easier for coin collectors on here, so I thought I would start a thread. Here is one that is very useful in dealing with photographs, whether your own or ones found doing research on other sites: At any point you can create a screen shot of a portion of the screen (as opposed to the whole screen) by pressing the Windows button (the one with squashed window shape usually between "Alt" and "FN" on the bottom row of the keyboard) along with Shift and S. The screen will dull and you can then draw out a rectangle covering whatever are of the screen you want. As soon as you release the mouse button, it copies a screen shot of the area to your clipboard, ready for pasting wherever you want. If you want to get this screenshot into a .jpg for further use, you can paste it into any picture handling app, or as a second tip into a Word document. If you then "Save As" the Word document as a webpage (.htm, .html) it creates a folder with any images in the document as .jpgs - from where you can copy or edit them wherever you like. Or, if you have Notifications on, you will see a message pop up in the bottom right of your screen. If you click on this it will open the image in the Microsoft picture editor and you can save it from there. (Default is to save as .png, which is larger and not generally what is used on the web, but you can save as .jpg instead.) I hope that is useful. Also works as a way of dealing with uncropped pictures on your own machine.