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Everything posted by Weaver

  1. Now that's a HUGE recommendation! Guess I'd better get my wallet out then...😂 Best wishes, Weaver (wayne)
  2. That's a very interesting slant on the topic. I must admit spending five hours looking at the number 9 and trying to sort them into long tail and short tail variations on my 220 x Edward VII pennies was going a bit far 🤪 But I am interested in more obvious variations like ones that can be easily detected by the eye. Ultimately, I guess that there is something for everyone in the world of numismatics eh? Best wishes, Weaver (wayne)
  3. Morning Mike, Thanks for your recommendation. Groom's book is handy as it's lightweight, inexpensive and comprehensive but none of the photos featured have useful arrows or other indicators to clearly point out what to look for. Also, all the photos are in black and white from the 2009 edition. All the best, Weaver (wayne)
  4. I agree. Have you all got his 2009 book? I currently own and refer to David J. Groom's 'The Identification of British 20th Century Bronze coin varieties', so would you guys recommend ordering Michael's book as well? It's a little bit more expensive (£50) than Groom's paperback. Your thoughts?... Best wishes, Weaver (wayne)
  5. Sorry (again!) I meant that my 1895 penny is the variation BP1895Bb. Must concentrate harder...🤣 All the best, Weaver (wayne)
  6. Hi Mike, I received an email reply from Michael Gouby this morning confirming that my 1895 penny was indeed BP1895Ba This is his update on the progress of additions and amendments to 2009 "The British Bronze Penny"... At present I am preparing the many pages of “Additions and Amendments”, as an add on to my book. It appears that many new discoveries have been found since I published back in 2009. There is a new obverse, a new reverse, several error legend repairs, plus all of the new date widths that have come to light. My work on getting these new pages ready is taking some time as new items keep appearing for inclusion. The final layout, pictures and text have not been finalised. There you go! Hopefully it will be available soon. Best wishes, Weaver (wayne)
  7. Sorry, I meant to say that I'm definitely NOT going to sell it. Oops!☺️ All the best, Weaver (wayne)
  8. Thanks again for your reply. I'm definitely going to sell it as it's now become an even more interesting part of my collection. However, I have emailed Michael Gouby to ask him if he will give me some more info. All the best, Weaver (wayne)
  9. That's interesting Terry, I never knew that there were so many different variations when it came to the 1895-1901 pennies? 🧐
  10. Awesome! Thanks for your swift reply my man 😎 I would grade the coin as Fair condition, so do you have any idea of value? Cheers, Weaver (wayne)
  11. Weaver

    To Acetone or not to Acetone?

    Thanks David, I have ordered a small bottle of 99.9% grade acetone from Ebay - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331585317454?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=540739056919&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Looks ok to me.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie and just added my first post to the existing Acetone thread, but felt like I needed a bit of guidance from you all so started a new topic. Hope that's ok? I have inherited a collection of circulated silver Swedish Ore coins from my Grandfather which were loose in a cigar box. I want to put them in correct storage to preserve them effectively, so I have already bought 97% grade acetone (lab standard) and Hartberger self-adhesive flips. Already bathed first coin in acetone and would like your opinion of 2 coins:- 1883 has been acetone bathed. 1907 has not been touched. Most of the coins in the collection are similar wear and look to the 1907 25 Ore. Which do you prefer the look of? Am I wasting my time or even ruining the patina of these coins if I carry on with acetone bathing before storage? Would it be better just to put the rest of the collection straight into flips? Your expert opinions will be most welcomed! All the best, Wayne
  13. Weaver

    To Acetone or not to Acetone?

    Thanks IanB, I've got an Amazon and Ebay voucher to use up so ideally would like a link to a recommended 100% pure acetone product! Bearing in mind many members here have warned against using less than 100% pure acetone, so a weblink recommendation would ease my concerns.
  14. Weaver

    To Acetone or not to Acetone?

    Hi everyone, Just reviving this thread again to ask if anyone here could recommend some pure 100% acetone I can purchase from Ebay or Amazon please? A web link to a trusted product would be much appreciated.
  15. Hey everyone, So...I have 12 x Vic Crowns in my collection from various dates and all Fair to Fine condition IMO. As someone advised me before, it's better to have 1 x coin in a higher grade than 12 in poor grade. So with this in mind, what do we all think of this potential first purchase? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1845-Queen-Victoria-Young-Head-Silver-Crown-Cinquefoil-Stops-VF/351431914640?_trksid=p5411.c100167.m2940&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140131123730%26meid%3Db22f674f5f644d4a8dba9fb2f20a00bc%26pid%3D100167%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D14%26sd%3D151955724570 I know it's not massively high grade, but it will be an improvement on my current one. Your opinions please...
  16. Is there a PM facility in this forum?
  17. That's interesting Jon. I had not considered an actual auction house before...I assumed the 12 x Crowns were too poor of grade to be of interest to anyone but still...
  18. Totally understand that rooneydog (what is your real name? I'm Wayne btw) I didn't see the 1845 Crown offered by Dorset on Ebay. I am already an experienced Ebay seller of designer clothing, so I am prepared to sell each Crown individually, but I was wondering if you personally would take up Terry's offer?
  19. That 1845 Crown I looked at on Ebay wasn't offered by Dorset! It was by GB Classic Coins. Terry from the Dorset Coin Co. has invited me over to his shop, and he has already talked about a trade in deal for my 12 x Crowns at £8 - £10 each in Fair condition. I attach photo of one of my crowns which I have to say is typical of all 12 in terms of condition. Is a trade in deal of £8 - £10 for each Crown sound fair to you guys?
  20. Thanks my man! Always good to know.
  21. Thanks Jon. I will take a look. Actually, I have made contact with Terry of the Dorset Coin Co. in Poole, Dorset. His shop is just up the road from me so convenient location-wise. Anyone had any dealings with Terry? Good bloke?
  22. Ha! Love it! Nice one mate.
  23. Thanks Non. I have decided to collect Young Head Crowns as I really like the look of them and own a couple in fair grade. If anyone here could give me an idea of price range for EF grade or higher I would really appreciate it.
  24. Thanks guys. And what about price guideline for me? For the highest grade possible...