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About headsortails

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  • Birthday 01/01/1966

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  1. headsortails

    2018 50p Next big thing?

    Much lower mintage than the 2016 shield as well and they now fetch 50+.
  2. headsortails

    Charley the third die variation. spot the difference.

    look at the 20 in 2022
  3. headsortails

    Charley the third die variation. spot the difference.

    sorry I can't show you the other variation because of the upload limit, how do you get around this?
  4. headsortails

    2018 portcullis penny

    Could it be collectors are over looking this coin and not seeing the wood for the trees? although the coin is stamped in silver is not clear this coin is quite special in that from this year the mint has moved away from the circulated design of the part shield and gone retro making the coin just that little more special. it's just an heads up for you out there looking to invest,this also applies for the 2019 silver gift penny which is all so of the portcullis design.
  5. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    My moneys on the 2017 shield 50p and the jane austin coin,what did you go for.
  6. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    Ive just had a look paddy and it looks like the pennys are out https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2017-1P-PENNY-from-THE-ROYAL-MINT-BAG-FRESH/392097576820?hash=item5b4ad63774:g:3jwAAOSwAC1aHUfD
  7. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    Ive saw none of the small change about at all and the small change normally comes out first.
  8. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    The figure will come in for the 2017 shield 50p paddy,im waiting to see that one for myself. The coin is very light on the ground.
  9. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    In 2009 i never found a decent pound coin and i think i put two in the box at collectable grade 27 milloin minted. In 2010 the minting figure was double that and i found bucket loads,this to me makes little sense as do the minting figures on many occasions. I think its quite probable that there is a difference in the NO. of coins circulated to that minted.
  10. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    It took me four years to find one of those coins in my change post 2008 and to date i have managed to collect two thats regardless of the minting figure. Sarcerty is linked to availability is it not.
  11. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    Think of the 2008 10p with the lion and the five pence with the thistle, i bet those are propper scarce by now i only had two of the 10ps in my change anyway they were right hard to come by. Impossible now id say.
  12. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

  13. headsortails

    Best Decimal Coins to collect - thanks, Chris

    All the ten pences and five pences pre 2011 are being recalled in and melted down. Just cheak your change for any given week period and see how many pre 2011 five pences and ten pences you can find,my experience tells me they are coming quite hard to come across especially the latter ones.