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Status Replies posted by VickySilver

  1. Hi Tom,

    A bit forward I know, but if you don't mind my asking, how much did that '94 proof set go for?


    1. VickySilver


      Oh, my! That is a steal there. Haven't seen those listed in Krause (probably won't be - LOL).


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Very nice coin there. Mark R. wrote a catalogue? Remind my feeble brain if you would.

    1. VickySilver


      Yes, certainly. Thank you for the information!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Very nice coin there. Mark R. wrote a catalogue? Remind my feeble brain if you would.

    1. VickySilver


      Oh, OK. Is it just copper or other predecimal like silver?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. The book is "The Coins of the Isle of Man" You won't find the first edition, but the second edition was just published this April. The Author is Mike Southall. The only place you can purchase it is at the Lexicon bookshop in the Isle of Man. Their website was down when I purchased mine and it was a pain to get it, but the staff at Lexicon were very helpful. Are you in the UK or the US? If needed, I will send you an email address and phone number. Hopefully their website will be working.

    if you order it - tell them Zach sent you.  They'll get a kick out of it.

    1. VickySilver


      Oh, just trying to get an idea what a sample page might look like really. Is that a hardback?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. The book is "The Coins of the Isle of Man" You won't find the first edition, but the second edition was just published this April. The Author is Mike Southall. The only place you can purchase it is at the Lexicon bookshop in the Isle of Man. Their website was down when I purchased mine and it was a pain to get it, but the staff at Lexicon were very helpful. Are you in the UK or the US? If needed, I will send you an email address and phone number. Hopefully their website will be working.

    if you order it - tell them Zach sent you.  They'll get a kick out of it.

    1. VickySilver


      Yes, I go to almost all of them - not much there for us "dark side" collectors of British and British Colonial...

      Do let me know if you might visit one & we could meet up for a lunch maybe. My friend Mark usually goes to, and he is quite a collector of high end coins with a  lot of stories....

      How much is much on the IOM? Can you send a sample picture?



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. The book is "The Coins of the Isle of Man" You won't find the first edition, but the second edition was just published this April. The Author is Mike Southall. The only place you can purchase it is at the Lexicon bookshop in the Isle of Man. Their website was down when I purchased mine and it was a pain to get it, but the staff at Lexicon were very helpful. Are you in the UK or the US? If needed, I will send you an email address and phone number. Hopefully their website will be working.

    if you order it - tell them Zach sent you.  They'll get a kick out of it.

    1. VickySilver



      Yes, Zach, live in the USA (almost sad to admit that these days!). Maryland to be exact. I would order for sure if not a King's ransom.





    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello,  I have some of the mintage numbers for the I-O-M half, full, double and 5 pound sovereigns.  I have the mintage on some of them broken down for the die marks. 

    I just picked up a 1977 half I-O-M sovereign. I was stupid, tried to be cheap, and lost out on a nice 1965 for $220. By chance, did you pick that one up? I saw someone in Texas auctioning his for $1,500.  He's delusional asking that much. These are very thinly collected. 

    Why do you collect them? Have you had yours graded? 

    Maybe we can help each other.


    1. VickySilver



      I'm in Derwood.

      email:  garsft@aol.com

      Have you managed the 1979-82 IOM half sovs?

      I gave up on the sovs as there were just too many & sold all but one of the better ones; did find about 12 years ago a PROOF 1838 for about currency price and traded it on for about 15x value!



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello,  I have some of the mintage numbers for the I-O-M half, full, double and 5 pound sovereigns.  I have the mintage on some of them broken down for the die marks. 

    I just picked up a 1977 half I-O-M sovereign. I was stupid, tried to be cheap, and lost out on a nice 1965 for $220. By chance, did you pick that one up? I saw someone in Texas auctioning his for $1,500.  He's delusional asking that much. These are very thinly collected. 

    Why do you collect them? Have you had yours graded? 

    Maybe we can help each other.


    1. VickySilver


      Yes, my main collecting is - surprise - Victoria silver and copper. But I also like the 72-74 Unc. IOM minors and have about 50 or so through the denominations, especially liking the 2P. And the 1987 sov. I keep looking for in piefort gold and/or platinum and it in gold as I have the two silver and pot metal circulation strike. 


      Many of  the IOM Viking sovs. seem to suffer from alloy oxidation wish shows as red on mine at least.   Are your numbers the mintage limits, or those actually struck and released? This last bit seems most difficult with some issues, including Royal Mint and the ex- Franklin Mint amongst others. Can you forward me a picture of the numbers you have?


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hello,  I have some of the mintage numbers for the I-O-M half, full, double and 5 pound sovereigns.  I have the mintage on some of them broken down for the die marks. 

    I just picked up a 1977 half I-O-M sovereign. I was stupid, tried to be cheap, and lost out on a nice 1965 for $220. By chance, did you pick that one up? I saw someone in Texas auctioning his for $1,500.  He's delusional asking that much. These are very thinly collected. 

    Why do you collect them? Have you had yours graded? 

    Maybe we can help each other.


    1. VickySilver



      Yes, that's very high on the last - I would have thought 350 or so would do it and they do come up. Did you get the '77 in proof or unc.? I didn't get that one (the '65) as I have one already but like the later half sovs. I just like the design & my grandmother Swedish plus they are rare even if thinly collected as you said.

      I for some reason like the double in this series and have some multiples of some dates but have them in safe deposit plus can't remember where I wrote down the census. The fives have a lot of bullion value in them so only have about five. The only proof I have is the '83 sov. & also would like the 83 in half sov size. None are graded by slab companies.





    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi Vicky

    If you send me your email I will send you my lists for you to see.



    1. VickySilver


      Hi Guy,

      Thanks. I rather like pennies (by date and not hypervarietals) and of course Victorian silver.





