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Peckris 2

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Posts posted by Peckris 2

  1. 10 minutes ago, kai1998inc said:

    That’s correct - some say this is where the saying “Know your Onions” comes from, but I can’t be sure.

    apparently that's one theory. another says it's from an OED editor CT Onions. yet another says it began in the US.

  2. Yes, somewhere I have a couple of those. Very nice and probably my only toy coins. (I think the engraver - SGO - has the surname Onions??)

    It's the future Edward VII in case you were wondering...

    • Like 1

  3. 6 hours ago, secret santa said:

    Yes, the teeth are too long, her right thumb is too short, the left hand waves cover the teeth plus a few other minor details but generally the best attempt at a bronze penny that I've seen to date.



    You have a beautiful example there Richard - one of the best I've seen, superbly struck up compared with the average example.


    HOWEVER... even at a glance I can see the differences on the reverse. From the eyebrow height of the helmet and head, down the neck, to below the breast area, and the drapery adjacent to the shield - it's all more vague and less precise, which is inevitable when you consider the deep cut portrait on the obverse. Which is why I sigh admiringly at your example, which is so obviously genuine, but would run a mile from the other which is just too precisely modelled to be anything but fake.

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  4. On 1/15/2024 at 4:10 PM, SilverAge3 said:

    I have the 2006 ed, hadn't even realized a newer one was released. I'd love to get it. I recently picked up the 1st ed of his older, much smaller (38 pages, total) book, The Victorian Bronze Penny (1860-1901), which I paid likely way too much for. I also see it had a second ed I may eventually seek out, just because I like my numi library.

    What is that? I have the first ed of his book on British Bronze, didn't know he had done just one on Vic bronze pennies.

  5. 11 hours ago, SilverAge3 said:

    Then there's sellers who have higher quality coins I'm looking for, but on top of charging high sums, feel the best way to show off a coin is laying it in their greasy hand. I might even consider the high price tag, even with the carbon spot, but how have they decided handling these coins like this is appropriate? Especially aggravating when it's a tough coin to find in higher grades, like this 1934 penny. This seller has several 1934s, all mishandled similarly, and priced at over £200, yet I can't find other copies this nice, but I can't justify spending this, since it'll likely arrive all oily and printed up. Really drives me nuts.  At least I know before buying that the seller mishandles them, is my only consolation.



    Also - that particular coin has been photographed badly as far as the lighting goes: a top grade 1934 should be a completely different colour; remember, they were mint treated with hypo so shouldn't be all bright and shiny beige.

    • Like 2

  6. 4 hours ago, terrysoldpennies said:

    Unfortunately I think that the best coins are being bought up by the very rich, purely as investments along with art and classic cars, which are also sky rocketing.

    I collect mainly Pennies and over the last few years it seems to me that most of the rare types are rarely come onto the market. 😞

    I think that whatever the collecting field - Pokemon, vinyl, coins, cars - the rarest items are highly sought after and go up and up in value. By comparison, the more common items are so much cheaper, if not actually declining in value. This is how it's going to be, year on year.

    • Like 1

  7. On 12/11/2023 at 3:36 PM, jelida said:

    I had messaged him as well, and have just received a nice reply from ‘Tim’ stating that he now agrees that the coin is not a mule and will alter the description. Appears that he based his id on the mis-described Heritage coin.


    me too :)

    • Like 1

  8. On 12/9/2023 at 10:52 AM, DrLarry said:

    Cannot think where best to get the opinion of you experts but please let me know your thoughts.   I have tried to help the seller https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176062629565?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=OgrcZPeFTfi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=h5XdnfNFTNi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

    Sadly he is using yet  questionable evidence of another error from PGCS .  Drop him a message if you can be bothered .  Thank you 

    have messaged him.

    • Like 1

  9. 25 minutes ago, Coinery said:

    Quick question re this point. I ask because I’m compiling a catalogue of the Elizabeth I anchor shillings, and would ultimately want to put it out there! 

    What do you do re gathering photos from the net, as it’s sometimes near impossible to track the source or get permission from the original photographer?

    You could try the following:

    1. reduce the size of the image

    2. add a colour cast (e.g. sepia) to make it look different

    3. acknowledge the website where you got it from (if 'Contact us' has failed)

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