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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    She was not amused on many occasions. The 12 jubilee head pattern halfcrowns dated 1884 bear testament to that. That bust took 3 years to be acceptable, only to be superseded 6 years later. I don't think she liked it from the beginning, as the 1888 and 1890 pattern crowns were the first incarnation of the eventually adopted veiled head bust.
  2. 2 points
    She dismissed the Wiener shilling bust(s) straightaway.
  3. 1 point
    Wonder what the reserve was? Maybe there was a notional bid of £5,500, but it was not considered as an effective bid as below the reserve price.
  4. 1 point
    That's not a complete picture. The "half term" does not apply to prisoners serving life, for which judges hand down minimum tariffs to prisoners considered a danger to the public, e.g. some sex offenders, terrorists, etc to prisoners who haven't exhibited 'good behaviour' while inside to prisoners (whether guilty or innocent) who assert their innocence while in jail Also, prisons are full of individuals with mental health problems. And they're overcrowded. Mike's suggestion that some kinds of offence could be treated effectively outside prison has a lot of merit.
  5. 1 point
    I also did not watch it , and I am assuming the laws that were broken are laws that could not be changed because there is a sense of injustice in them. As mentioned the brain might not be thinking too well if just woken up angry and threatened but sadly the law can consider these circumstances but cannot alter too greatly from the reasoning behind that law even in a legal system based on precedent . I really am not sure if for the sake of property or pride it is worth pursuing someone and again it's that aspect of law that says if a person is fleeing from the place of crime they are also doing all they can to remove themselves as a threat to the homeowner. Perhaps these kind of events result from the inactivity of the police to attempt to solve crimes which results from political under funding in the last 10 years and pre-occupation of police to spend months going through millions of phone accounts as part of seeking new tech evidence for crimes . When people see no outcomes their frustrations float towards vigilantism, but it takes years for police high speed drivers to learn the skills to take up these pursuits. The law would say if he set out with intent to harm no matter what the reason he set out to cause harm . Both are wrong you would think some of it would cancel out. But damage to body is a more dangerous crime than burglary with no intent to harm. you must tell us if our views do not match the circumstances
  6. 1 point
    I have to say the Wiener bust in not pretty, she looks a bit hard. I can't blame Victoria for rejecting it. The reverse would have been incidental as you say.
  7. 1 point
    Russians who want their snow cleared quickly this winter can just write "no to war" in it.
  8. 1 point
    Missed it. I'd have been happy to fork out savings for that as well. As you say, a very nice specimen. Sounds as though I was far from the only one to overlook it though, as it didn't sell. Can't imagine for one miilisecond that it wouldn't have sold through LCA or Noonans, at probably well above the reserve price.
