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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    First off, one of my chimney jokes. I like chimney jokes....I've got stacks of them. During the lockdown, I have discovered that the advantages of "Easy Origami" are two-fold. Some news about EXIT signs.....they are on the way out. I'm reading a book, at the moment. It's called, "The Wonders of Super Glue". I can't put it down.
  2. 3 points
    Furniture in the House of Commons has been height adjusted after an MP rushed in and tabled his amendments.
  3. 2 points
    Spoke to Michael this morning, He is making available his article on the CP1847 Medusa, a significant and recent Copper Penny find, details on the link http://www.michael-coins.co.uk/CP1847M-Medusa.htm
  4. 2 points
    As a general rule this is true, though there have been instances of ‘specials’ such as a double weight stater some years ago that was taken on the basis that it was a presentation coin or had some special use and was not currency, similarly a piedfort hammered gold coin. A dubious distinction at best. But one aspect of the latest review is to consider whether to bring within the act individual coins (and artefacts) of particular importance, as determined by the powers that be and creating a significant gray area and ambiguity for finders and coroners alike. My own suspicion is that this would simply encourage non-reporting and black market sale, quite contrary to the whole ethos of the voluntary reporting scheme. I do have some sympathy with those who are concerned about the potential loss of some remarkable objects to study, which is why I would encourage reporting even with some element of compulsion and time allowed for recording and study, but not necessarily state acquisition against the wishes of the finder/landowner. There are already laws regarding export of antiquities allowing for state purchase to prevent loss to the nation, and perhaps a register of the whereabouts of known exceptional objects within the country could be obligatory. That might be acceptable to both sides of the argument. But the review is increasingly driven by politicians and curators down an acquisitive route, and I think in the long term this will not be good for the heritage industry or the hobby of metal detecting. Jerry
  5. 2 points
    Took my boat to its MOT today and it just sailed through.....
  6. 2 points
    I was reading the local paper the other day and I saw this advert for a TV set. It said, "TV set for sale £1.Volume stuck on FULL". I thought, "I can't turn that down".
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Ah well, so far I only have up to the end of 1977. Editions after that, especially in the 1980's are much harder to come by. But I will be starting on them in the new year. I wanted to compete the first phase before that though. If I see any other articles about threepences and sixpences in the early editions, I'll make a note of then for you, Mick. In the meantime @DaveG38 has every copy from the start in November 1966, right up to the finish in February 1992. He might be able to help you with August 1981.
  9. 1 point
    This reminds me of the time I went camping with the scouts. When we arrived at our destination it was discovered there wasn't enough room in the tents for all of us, and one would have to sleep elsewhere. I drew the short straw and because the farmer had said we could use the barn, I made my way over there. But it stank so much I decided to move away from there and took my sleeping bag into a nearby field, in the darkness, having climbed over the gate. This'll do, I thought, there was a good hedge one side which provided a great windbreak. Went to sleep. When I woke up it was about 5:30am and light. It was then I discovered my error - I wasn't the only occupant in the field, as there was also a lone bull, who was staring menacingly at me as I stood up. I chucked my clothes and sleeping bag over the hedge (or at any rate that was the intention) and tried to work out if I could make it to the gate and scramble over it. I took a chance and dashed for it, but needn't have bothered as the bull wasn't interested anyway. The only injuries I got were from scratches all over my stomach and chest, trying to retrieve my clothes from the other side of the hedge, as they'd landed on top of the bloody thing instead of going all the way over, and there was a ditch that side. Fortunately everybody else was still asleep.
  10. 1 point
    A farmer, a priest, and a lawyer were travelling across country when they hit a small town and decided to stay overnight at the inn. The landlord said "Sorry guys, I can only put 2 of you up, but there's room in the barn for one of you." The farmer said "It's my day job, I'll sleep in the barn." An hour later there's a thunderous knock at the door. The landlord opens it and finds the farmer there. "Sorry mate, your cockerel thinks it's dawn and won't stop crowing, I can't sleep there." The priest says "If it was good enough for our Lord, it's good enough for me. I'll sleep there." An hour later there's a thunderous knock at the door. The landlord opens it and finds the priest there. "Sorry, your cow is pregnant and won't stop lowing. I just can't sleep." They all look at the lawyer until he shrugs and says, "Ok, if I must, I must" and stomps off to the barn. An hour later there's a thunderous knock at the door. The landlord opens it and finds his cockerel and cow there.
  11. 1 point
    For some years the lawyer had been taking his holidays at the exclusive hide-away country hotel and carrying on an affair with the owner's daughter. However, on returning one year he discovered his mistress had given birth to twin boys. "Why on earth didn't you tell me?" said the astonished lawyer. "You know I would have married you and provided for the birth". She replied "That may be so. But when I told my parents I was pregnant, we talked over all the options and decided it was far better to have a couple of bastards in the family than a lawyer"
  12. 1 point
    northern deer is tougher than a Manc on special brew.Avoid if possible.
  13. 1 point
    That is honest Pete.After Mrs Peter passed a drink was an easy option. We always had wine with dinner and putting a case of wine in the weekly shop was automatic. When she died many nights I drank myself to sleep.At Xmas my mother made a comment and she didn't buy me my compulsory malt. That hit hard so I decided to give myself a kick up the rear. I haven't touched a drop since. I do still love a cigar rolled on a virgins inner thigh though.
  14. 1 point
    Stewie i totally agree with what you say about todays German kids still having too live with another generations atrocities. Living and working here i do see it first hand. While we must always learn from history and never forget what happened there should be a point where future generations SHOULD'NT be blamed for a previous generations actions. Look at Britain during the 1700 and 1800s, they colonised 2 thirds of the planet while America dropped 2 A bombs in Japan and wiped out millions, what has been said about that? I really do think it's time to let the future generations be cut a little slack
  15. 1 point
    Dearest Mother, I am writing this in the trenches in my ‘dug out’ – with a wood fire going and plenty of straw it is rather cosy, although it is freezing hard and real Christmas weather. I think I have seen today one of the most extraordinary sights that anyone has ever seen. About 10 o’clock this morning I was peeping over the parapet when I saw a German, waving his arms, and presently two of them got out of their trench and came towards ours. We were just going to fire on them when we saw they had no rifles, so one of our men went to meet them and in about two minutes the ground between the two lines of trenches was swarming with men and officers of both sides, shaking hands and wishing each other a happy Christmas. This continued for about half an hour when most of the men were ordered back to the trenches. For the rest of the day nobody has fired a shot and the men have been wandering about at will on the top of the parapet and carrying straw and firewood about in the open – we have also had joint burial parties with a service for some dead, some German and some ours, who were lying out between the lines. I don’t know how long it will go on for – I believe it was supposed to stop yesterday, but we can hear no firing going on along the front today except a little distant shelling. We are, at any rate, having another truce on New Year’s Day, as the Germans want to see how the photos come out! The Germans in this part of the line are sportsmen if they are nothing else written by Alfred Dougan Chater in 1914 Found at http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/24/-sp-letter-extraordinary-sights-christmas-day-first-world-war-truce Merry Christmas and a happy new year! May be luck, peace & healthfulness with all of you
  16. 1 point
    Bletchley Park say if you hand it in within 7 days, there'll be no further action.
